Monday, December 15, 2008


The idea that there is the agency of creation through one's voice. God spoke and the world was created right? so then why is this concept something that we tend to pass off as folly rather than applicable in our everyday life. I'm sorry if i am bursting anyone's bubble, but the truth is our voices do have the agency to create. Again I'm going to reference Steven' poem, "That was her song, for she was the maker. Then we, As we beheld her striding there alone, Knew that there never was a world for her Except the one she sang and, singing, made".The world that she created around her she was able to do solely because she spoke the words that were the song that became the world. Just as Stevens created the world in which the singer could create he world through i know this is getting a little weird but in my mind it makes sense though not only literature, but our everyday life that we have the ability to create by our words. This ability is so powerful and I don't think we give much credit to it because when i heard of logos my mind stayed on God and the creation, but when you apply it to life, especially literature i think you really get an understanding of how important literature and words really are, it kind of makes me think of those dolls that are all sacked inside one another

ya those dolls...well they are stacked inside one another and through opening one you get another, there is creation in each of them, but they are the reason for the creation. In literature there is the creation of the story, which was created by the mind, words, and thoughts of the creator, and then the fact that the creator was created in the same manner, well that just blows my mind...ya logos is cool

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