Thursday, September 25, 2008

Samuel Taylor Coleridge. (1772–1834)

"Reviewers are usually people who would have been poets, historians, biographers, etc., if they could: they have tried their talents at one or the other, and have failed; therefore they turn critics"-Samuel Taylor Coleridge
(Lectures on Shakespeare and Milton, p. 36. Delivered 1811–181 )

Romantic-lonely-poetic-critical-imaginative-passionate-inspiring-intelligent-free thinking-rebel-unique-gifted---

Samuel Coleridge encompassed many of these attributes, but he was not defined by a single one of them. Being a writer of course meant that his life would be filled with multiple successes as well as downfalls. For a long period of his life, he was a dear friend of William Wordsworth, and in 1798 the two of them published the poetic volume, Lyrical Ballads...that is all I really want to divulge for now...more to come

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